The ÉLTETŐ Association was established in the year of 2008. In 2013-2014 ÉLTETŐ together with its members and partners created the Rural Quality – Cooperating Balaton Uplands Brand. Their aim is to help visitors get to know the values of the region, help them find remote places, good quality products and services easier in today’s information-overloaded environment. The problem addressed by this practice is the general difficulty of rural SMEs to validate themselves on the market, since they often do not have the time or the knowledge to carry out efficient communication and marketing activities. In this programme the ÉLTETŐ draws attention to the cooperating enterprises, settlements and communities, along with smaller and bigger farmers, entrepreneurs, accommodation and programme opportunities, human, natural and architectural values. 

The prior aim of the brand is, to draw attention to those local producers and service-providers who are present on the market with quality products. On the longer run they would like that the customers instantly associate these branded products with high quality. 

On the other hand, brand members contribute to the development of each other mutually, for example in information sharing, common product development and expansion of services. 

A qualified brand member should correspond with a general and with a profession specific (food, restaurant, handicraft etc) regulation. New applicants are welcome until 30th April in each year. Afterwards, a written and spoken interview is conducted with them. The next step in the brand qualification process is the inspection on the premises. The last step is a council where the brand counsellors decide if the applicant should be integrated to the umbrella brand or not. If the applicant is accepted, a contract is made for 5 years that includes the obligations and rights of the member. 

Strong community marketing is carried out in order to promote the brand. They actively advertise the brand on the social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram) an on their website. They have a product catalog presenting the products of the brand members and a catalog with seasonal tourism tips in the area.