IN.AVE 2020 - Qualify PME is a project developed by the Intermunicipal Community of Ave (CIM do Ave) aiming to stimulate an entrepreneurial environment.

The key objective is to have CIM do Ave as a vehicle to help the sub-region of Ave small and medium enterprises developing a capacity for making deals in the global market.

Within this project and in order to get the participation of the SMEs of the region in the process, CIM do Ave promoted several Breakfast Meetings (9 until today). These Breakfast meetings approach several themes in a very informal way, helping participants to meet the mentoring team and pointing out real problems adding real solutions. At the same time the informal model of meeting enables the team and a key speaker (usually someone from the business community) to pass important information to local entrepreneurs.

Issues like Rural Tourism, Added Value techniques, Digital Marketing, Market’s Specification, are themes that allow local entrepreneurs to be aware of the existence of a universe of problems and difficulties, solutions and key techniques, that often are not taken in account in the decision process and are responsible for the success or failure of many entrepreneurial projects within the first three years of operation. Networking is however the most important achievement of these meetings since CIM do Ave is establishing a base for the SME community to meet and for complementary business to meet allowing a seed of cooperation to planted.