In Southern Ireland, 15% of the population is over 65. Although this is only one per cent more than at the national level, where 14% of the population is over 65, a large share of older adults in Southern Ireland also live in rural areas (71% against 29% in urban areas). Yet, these areas often lack good and services capable of meeting the needs of an ageing population.
How can services be further developed in rural territories? How could stakeholders be better informed on the definition, target group and objectives of the Silver Economy? What kind of initiatives already exist to improve the quality of life of older persons in rural areas? Find out at a glance with our interactive infographic on Southern Ireland!
You can also catch up on global and regional demographic trends in Europe with:
- Our infographic on ageing in rural Europe
- Our infographic on ageing in Teruel Province, Spain
- Our infographic on ageing in Hauts de France, France
- Our infographic on the Lubuskie region, Poland