Review of the year 2018 for the STAR Cities project

As 2019 just started, we are looking back at what was accomplished during 2018 for STAR Cities. We would like to reflect on what we achieved in the partnership, from the launch of the project to the very first stakeholders meetings of our partners.

2018 was an important year filled with major milestones ! 

June, 1 2018 : Launch of STAR Cities

This 5-year long project was officially launched on June, 1 2018 and will last until June, 1 2023.

September, 27 and 28 : Kick-off meeting in Val-de-Marne

The partners met for the first time during a two-day kick-off event in Val-de-Marne. Key aspects of STAR Cities were discussed, meetings were held as well as a field visit. The European delegation also met about fifty local actors of the Marne river banks during the launch conference.


October, 19 : First stakeholders meeting in Kaunas

Our partner, Kaunas, 2022 gave an overview of the project during a specific presentation involving local stakeholders. It was followed by a discussion and a workshop. The interest to the project soon started to raise after the meeting and next assembly will focus on the process of creative task. Read the full summary here.


November, 13 to 15 : Interreg communication and finance seminar

As the lead partner for STAR Cities, the Val-de-Marne Tourism board attended a two-day communication and finance seminar hosted by Interreg Europe in Dublin, Ireland. The seminar focused on project communication as well as finance ins and outs. 

December, 19 : First stakeholders meeting in Roma (Lazio region)

Lazio Region’s first stakeholders meeting took place on December, 19 2018 in Rome. During the meeting, the project and its guidelines have been introduced. The stakeholders showed a great interest in the project and exhanged their opinions.


The future of STAR Cities

  • Three Interregional learning sessions are planned in 2019. During semester 2 in Rome, semester 3 in both Bucharest and Hamburg. At the same time, local stakeholders group meetings (one meeting per partner per semester) will help to gather contributions on learning program and good practices.
  • During the first and second semesters, each partner will review and evaluate their territory tourism offer and regional existing policies  in a State of Play concerning the issue tackled. This activity is aimed to gain mutual knowledge of the different local states of play and to arise common understanding of each partner's issues. 
  • Besides, a survey has been launched to identify good practices from NECSTouR regions that would be included in STAR Cities Interregionnal learning process. The results will feed STAR Cities State of Play which will be presented in Rome in March or April 2019.