The sixth Interregional policy learning workshop & peer review of the STOB regions project took place on 26th and 27th of September 2018, in Bucharest, Romania and organised by project partner Ilfov County Council.

The first day was dedicated to introducing the participants to the thematic workshop topic: Matchmaking.

Day one provided expert external thematic lectures; Dan Crivat of TradeX on "who's selling, who's buying a business" followed by Miriam Constantin Public Sector Services Coordinator at PwC, providing an overview of various exit and other investment scenarios. In addition, Soft Tehnica offered insight into the ideal structure of matchmaking platform as well as an overview of mergers and acquisitions in Romania.

Presentations from the project partner's followed, allowing participants an overview of matchmaking methods the transfer process across the regions, including the Federation of Finnish Enterprises and the German platform.

The second day was allocated for the Ilfov Region peer review. Presentations by local stakeholders regarding the regional specificities and good practice examples, including TradeX platform and Clever Taxi .The panel discussion, with input from all participants addressed three key topics: 1) Feeling the pressure but not knowing what it is 2) Existing structures 3) Entrepreneurial spirit in Romania

A SWOT analysis and recommendation session of the situation in the region was conducted, aimed at providing STOB regions' Romanian partner external insights into policy learning, to aide in strengthening the development of the overall business transfer situation in the region.

For further information on the STOB regions 6th workshop event click here.

To access the presentations and content from the event visit our successionwiki here.