C-TEMAlp (Continuity of Traditional Enterprises in Mountain Alpine Space areas) is a project of the Interreg Alpine Space programme. From eight different alpine regions, eleven partners from Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Slovenia and Switzerland are involved. The 3-year project concludes in December 2018. The final conference was held on 18th October 2018 in Munich, organised by project partner Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria.
The project focuses on cross border business transfers, internationalisation and innovation. Through the implementation phase, the project has developed a matching platform and a cross border network of experts (consultants, lawyers etc. ). Furthermore, the partnership elaborated a discussion paper with their experiences and insights from the project.
Post-project, the partners are planning to continue their collaboration in the EEN-Network, based on this request for continuation a Memorandum of Understanding was signed.
The final conference was attended by project partners and stakeholders, including project partner from STOB Regions, project officer from the Joint Secretariat and Mrs. Kristin Schreiber from the European Commission. The EU Commissioner highlighted the relevance of the topic "business transfer" and mentioned STOB regions as a further example of international collaboration on the topic.
More information on the C-TEMalp project can be found here.