STOB regions project's lead partner, IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, held their eighth regional stakeholder group meeting at the premises of the guarantee bank, Bürgschaftsbank Brandenburg GmbH on the 28th January 2019.
In attendance were representatives from Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family, MWE, MdJEV, WF BB, gaurantee bank Bürgschaftsbank Brandenburg, HWK Potsdamam, IHK Ostbrandenburg, Unternehmerverband Brandenburg-Berlin, STIC Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft, Technical University Brandenburg, Social Impact, Phoenix - Wirtschaftsberatung, Sensconsult and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
The meeting began with an in-depth review of the Good practices and regional specifics related to the previous 7th Interregional policy learning workshop on the topic of Business Transfer in Rural Areas, held in Seville, Spain in December 2018. The meeting transitioned to a brainstorming session where the stakeholders offered ideas and solutions to meet the critical needs of supporting Business transfer in the region, to provide a solid foundation for the formulation of the Regional action plan, a key output of the project which is to be implemented and monitored during the second phase.