On the 21st August 2019, Lead partner of STOB Regions Interreg Europe, IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH held their 10th regional stakeholder group meeting in Potsdam.The regional stakeholder group meeting comprised of the core members, and the agenda was divided into two parts.

Firstly Project Manager Sandy Morgen reported the activities of the project during the 5th semester: 1) the results and outcomes from the 9th Interregional Policy Learning workshop in Berlin on the thematic of Family businesses  2) Results and takeaways from the Transeo General assembly held between 12-14th June 2019 in Barcelona.

During the second session, the stakeholder group worked intensely on the refinement  of the regional action plan concept, of which the lead partner will elaborate a conceptual design for a one-stop-agency for business transfer. The group discussed several key aspects of the service e.g. topics, target groups, actors involved, how to create a win-win-situation etc.

The lead partner, and all project partners will present their Action plan concepts and receive feedback during the upcoming Action Plan workshop to be held in Palma de Mallorca on 16th September 2019.