The 4th Regional Stakeholder Workshop in Styria organized within the framework of the project SUBTRACT focused on the presentation and discussion of the regional action plan. The valuable input by the regional stakeholders will help shape the final draft of the plan.
Three actions, to be implemented in Styria in 2022, comprise Styrian Reuse Map, a free online map providing an up-to-date overview of the regional reuse shops including their products and services, the "Styrian Reuse Autumn 2022", a high-profile event to increase public awareness of reuse and the recognition of the reuse enterprises in the region, as well as a guide for reuse operators and start-ups, comprising legal and organizational requirements for SMEs working in the reuse sector.
During the workshop, that took place virtually on June 8, 2021, regional stakeholders discussed ways on how to disseminate the reuse map and to keep it up-to-date. In this context, the role of the Styrian Waste Management Associations, their umbrella organization, the Association of the Styrian Waste Advisers as well as the Reuse and Repair Network Austria (RepaNet) has been strongly emphasized.
A particular involvement of the regional stakeholders is expected when it comes to the organization of various events throughout the region within the framework of the "Styrian Reuse Autumn 2022". Stakeholders' ideas ranged from reuse live talks and reuse streaming talks on Facebook, discount offers in reuse shops through film screenings for raising awareness on reuse topic, reuse exchange markets and workshops for different target groups, open house days or the so-called "long night of reuse".
Styrian stakeholders gave also important indications on the aspects that should be included in the guide for reuse operators and start-ups, including reuse criteria (what is reusable/saleable; recognizing trends), relevant information on "end-of-waste" regulations as well as information on cooperation possibilities with municipalities and waste management associations.
Organized by the Office of the Regional Government of Styria, Directorate 14 / Department Waste and Resource Management, the workshop brought together representatives from the local, regional and federal governments, waste management associations, research institutions as well as the private and the social business sector. Since a strong cooperation with the regional stakeholders is foreseen when it comes to the implementation of the action plan in Styria, further steps will be discussed during the next meeting of the Styrian reuse group later this year.