Following the approval of INTERREG EUROPE SECRETARIAT on the Action Plan in terms of energy efficiency in patrimony buildings in the South-East Region of Romania, the South-East Regional Development Agency (SE RDA) of Romania initiated the implementation of the first phase of their Action Plan.

This first stage of their Action Plan focuses on the development of an improved monitoring methodology for the projects that are under implementation within ROP 2014-2020, Priority Axis 5 "Conservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural patrimony". The activities have been carried out with the support of project relevant actor, namely the Intermediate Body for 2014-2020 Regional Operational Programme.

In particular, the Action Plan focuses on the Priority Axis 5 "Conservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural patrimony” that stimulates the rehabilitation, protection, conservation and sustainable valorisation of the cultural patrimony and identity, having in view the local development benefiting of improved built heritage and their increased number of visitors. 

The general objective of the Action Plan is to extend and demonstrate the impact of Priority Axis 5.1. within the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, in terms of energy efficiency by improving the monitoring methodology for the patrimony projects that are currently under implementation. 

SE RDA started to implement Phase 1 of the Action Plan, namely the development of the improved monitoring methodology for the projects under implementation within Priority Axis 5.1.  

Therefore, preliminary activities have been already undertaken by involving VIOLET key actor – 2014-2020 ROP Intermediate Body:

  • Analysis of the current monitoring methodology for the patrimony projects that are under implementation within Priority Axis 5.1 aiming to identify the strong and weak points in terms of measuring the impact of energy efficiency measures;
  • Internal meetings organised with the representatives of ROP Intermediate Body in order to have their feedback on the application of the existent monitoring methodology and identify proposals for its improvement;
  • Collection of information and analysis of the date base including information on the implementation progress of the projects financed under 2014-2020 ROP, Priority Axis 5.1.


Next steps:

Based on the information collected and the consultations organised with the Intermediate Body representatives, new proposals for improving the monitoring methodology will be developed. 

The proposals will be further agreed with the Intermediate Body representatives in order to be included in the overall monitoring procedure of the patrimony projects implementation.