The action plan for the Centre-Val de Loire region, carried out within the framework of BIGDATA 4RIVERS project, is supported by the DREAM cluster, with the creation of a "micropollutants" exchange network for local authorities in the Loire-Brittany basin.

Funded by the Loire-Brittany Water Agency, the network currently includes 20 local authorities (plus 5 in the process of joining), and a coordinator is expected to be recruited by September 2023.

This network allows its members to benefit from collective activities (annual meetings, field visits, technical days, access to a collaborative platform/FAQ) and support to ensure active monitoring of technical, regulatory and financial issues.

More information on the network, mainly about the first preparatory meeting, which took the form of a webinar organised on 24 June 2022, is available on the Dream Cluster website. The presentations of the Loire-Brittany Water Agency and the DREAM Cluster, as well as the testimonies of the city of Poitiers, of the agglomeration community of Grand Chalon (Saône-et-Loire) and of ASCOMADE (network of local authorities for waste and water management; Bourgogne-Franche-Comté), which participated in this webinar, can be downloaded here.