The goal is to cooperate with entities in the promotion of a common idea in the field of regional and local production of high quality products and services.
One of the problems faced by producers operating in rural areas is the effective promotion of the product sold, especially among urban residents in nearby cities. In order to meet their problems, the Southern Warmia LAG has established cooperation with the "Wimlandia" Association and proposed and implemented the "Wimlandia" project. Its goals was to create an informal group of producers, processors, craftsmen, service providers, non-profit organizations and representatives of science focused around the imaginary land - Wimlandia (Land of Warmia and Mazury - WiMLandia). The goal is to cooperate with entities in the promotion of a common idea in the field of regional and local production of high quality products and services that also offer emotions and stories about products and their manufacturers. Common activities include trade exchange, promotional campaigns and mutual knowledge exchange of all entities participating in the group. Participation of entities operating in the city areas as points serving customers from cities - the largest purchasing potential is important. As a result, entities in rural areas can operate throughout the year and also act for the benefit of rural residents.

Resources needed

The project still has an ongoing status, so it is difficult to determine 100% what financial or non-financial resources are used. The LAG estimates that at the moment the entire project cost about PLN 50,000 and is 100% related to the work done by all project partners.

Evidence of success

At the moment we do not have physical evidence for the success of the project (they will appear after completion). Our determinant is feedback from entrepreneurs participating in the project, who talk about a noticeable increase in orders and, consequently, profits.

Potential for learning or transfer

The "Wimlandia" project illustrates an exemplary example of establishing cooperation between various business entities who have the same goal - increasing the sales range of their products. Project members produce various goods ranging from regional dishes to sweets, from workshops for women to running hotels. The purpose of cooperation is to present offers of partners at every service point, every partner. However, this is not about "putting out" the partners' goods. It's about familiarizing yourself with their service and advertising it like yours, which ultimately translates into increased exposure that every partner should care about. The process is still ongoing and all people involved in the project express themselves in superlatives.
Main institution
Association Wimlandia
Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Poland (Polska)
Start Date
March 2016
End Date


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