Cuidamos Burgos is a certified company lead to improve elderly’s quality of life, sick or disabled people thanks to own staff (specific trained caregivers).
Cuidamos Burgos is a private company which provides quality support and specialized care to potential users living in Burgos province (capital city and rural areas).
The main objective is supporting users to continue living at their own houses as much as possible.
Cuidamos offers different services for its users:
- Home attention (including domestic employees and house remodelling – adaptation to needs).
- Attention at hospitals.
In addition, five years ago, Cuidamos Burgos participated in the creation and launching into the market of an NFC identification and health bracelet which was awarded at local level.
Company’s services are lead to elderly living at home as well as sick/disabled people at home or in hospitals.

Resources needed

Two offices in Burgos (capital city), one of them placed in the main provincial hospital.
STAFF NEEDED: Social worker who visits the customers and studies/values their specific support’s needs.
Administrative team of 4 people.
Professional team of 50 caregivers with wide experience.

Evidence of success

Since the year 2011, the company has increased both services offered to potential users and the number of direct employees.

Potential for learning or transfer

Cuidamos Burgos is a private company with wide experience in the support to elderly, sick and disabled people and very good knowledge of the territory.
On these grounds, the entity has a big social impact in the territory:
- Improvement of its users’ quality of life.
- Job creation.
This business model could be transfer to other regions and territories.
Main institution
Cuidamos Burgos
Castilla y León, Spain (España)
Start Date
January 2011
End Date


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