ELITE's mission is to be a business development tool for companies founded by women, focusing on networking and business promotion ans know-how exchange.
Started as an online community in 2015, founded by a female entrepreneur, is a community of women entrepreneurs and a tool for developing female entrepreneurship in Romania. It has become the largest private COMPANY for women entrepreneurs. It aims to promote the business ideas of Romanian women and to help them to develop real successful careers, going on the strategy of networking and social entrepreneurship (their entrepreneurial results are presented, annually, as successful models, in conferences and networking and entrepreneurship workshops organized at national and international level). 8 business club created in Romania and abroad that are addresses to female entrepreneurs, female managers and female representatives of SMEs .Based on organzing business events, each participant present their business and at the end of the events there is a networking session, where all the participants get to know each other and exchange ideas for possible partnerships. the club focuses on networking, sales, public speaking, masterminds to offer an ELITE Board system to the SME s, media kit PR & Online Marketing for SMEs.They have launched - Elite BW Investment Fund, , being financed only by the contributions of the members (they reinvest 40% of the EBW membership fee by offering annual grants to women entrepreneurs, the amount varying according to the entries - 20% of the membership fee paid by each entrepreneur who joins the club goes to this Investment Fund.

Resources needed

The main financial resource is the fee of membership.
For every business club created, there is an Elite Ambassador associated, dedicated to the organization of regional events.

Evidence of success

- More than 400 press aparitions per year
- Part of the We Gate Platform for Women Entrepreneurs, initiative of the EU
- Advisory Board of INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
- Part of Initiative for Competitiveness for SMEs - INACO
- More than 11.000 participants in their events
- 20 international events
- More than 160 business events organized in 4 years
- 8 Elite Business Clubs working independently
- Elite BW Investment Fund – recently launched

Potential for learning or transfer

They have become the biggest community of women entrepreneurs in Romania, attracting 10.000 women entrepreneurs by promoting the business ideas of Romanian women, promoting successful practices and by helping them to develop real successful careers, going on the strategy of networking and social entrepreneurship that has an international presence built upon NETWORKING.
This practice facilitate female entrepreneurs access to information regarding EU policies and legislation, funding opportunities, assistance in finding business partners, supporting female entrepreneurship enhancement.
Main institution
Regional Development Agency Bucharest-Ilfov
Bucureşti - Ilfov,
Start Date
January 2015
End Date


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