An event to showcase the strengths and challenges of the energy sector, in the context of the energy transition with 65 companies opening their doors.
La Route des Énergies (The Road to Energy) was an event to showcase the strengths and challenges of the energy sector, in the context of the energy transition. The event had a twofold objective: to enable the general public to find out about renewable energies, including the locations where they are produced, and to improve the visibility of the energy sector among young people who are thinking about careers at different stages (from the baccalaureate to engineering training courses).
65 companies representing different actors and businesses within the energy sector opened their doors and participated in the event, including all sources of renewable energy: wind, hydrogen, biogas, wood-based, solar and photovoltaic energy. The event was attended by nearly 2.000 people (all audiences combined).
The event was organised by Normandie Énergies (a network gathering energy actors in Normandy). The other stakeholders involved include: Cité des Métiers (“information centre”, which provides information for professional course choice), Rectorat (public institution responsible for an academic territory), 2 Campus des Métiers de l’Energie (network of schools and universities gathering the different trainings in the energy field), Pôle Emploi (national institution for job researches, which also provides data about the employment market, national unemployment), local initiatives, continuing education organisations (career changes), higher education institutions, universities and companies

Resources needed

0,5 PTE part-time equivalent for the whole year plus a €20,000 budget for website, communication, etc.

Evidence of success

65 companies and technical facilities opened their doors.
2.000 people took part in the event and met with the companies, 68% of which with an education level from baccalaureate to university.
For a younger audience, 94 professionals proposed a testimony, an explanation about their work, profession for young people currently studying (or planning to study) in the energy field.
Questionnaires were sent to the companies; 33% collected CVs and 91% wanted to participate again in the next edition

Difficulties encountered

-Complex organisation (nb of attendees/companies)
-Limited to 5 days (a longer event would raise more awareness but this would require significant additional resources)
-Difficulty to organize/manage the event (no registration system)
-Partnership work employment/education services also important

Potential for learning or transfer

Operations could be replicated in regions where energy companies have a strong presence and where training is provided. The region should be home to an organisation similar to Normandie Energies, which is able to mobilise economic players within the sector.
Main institution
Normandie Energies
Haute-Normandie, France
Start Date
October 2018
End Date
October 2018


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