The Region has set up the SUGAR (Sistema Unificato Gestione Area Riuso) computer system for the management and reporting of reuse centres.
The regional guidelines provided for the possibility for the Region to provide municipal reuse centres with a regional information system to be used for the management of their activities. The Region, also in order to promote projects for the reuse of goods at the end of life and to promote municipal reuse centres, has created an information system called SUGAR for the management of municipal reuse centres registered in the regional list. The reuse centres registered in the Regional Directory can access this information system free of charge by applying for membership of the ReUSER network (Sugar Emilia-Romagna Users' Network). Among the integrations to the regulations to make the Centres more performing, there the simplification of the access and the elimination of the cataloguing forms, the possibility to use standard weights as an alternative to the weighing of goods, the possibility to carry out educational activities aimed at enhancing the value of used goods and finally, as said, the preparation by the Region of a software for the management of the activity and the reporting of data that can be used by municipal and non municipal centres of reuse.

Resources needed

Funded by regional government

Evidence of success

The region has decided to adopt the computer system for the management of all the municipal reuse centres and to start using the computer system on an experimental basis, which will be able to be subject to modifications and improvements, if you necessary as a result of its use.
The municipal reuse centres will be able to join the network ReUSER (Sugar Emilia-Romagna Users Network) and use the SUGAR information system.

Difficulties encountered

The data collected are not yet available, and some reuse centres, especially those run by elderly people's associations, have difficulties in using the software.

Potential for learning or transfer

This is a centralised monitoring and management service, useful and at the service of all municipalities. The ReUSER network (Rete Utilizzatori Sugar EmiliaRomagna) allows to join the reuse centres registered in the Regional Directory that can access the above mentioned information system for free.
Main institution
Emilia-Romagna region
Emilia-Romagna, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
June 2018
End Date


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