An AI powered and integrated solution that allows reduction of water losses from the water grid while simultaneously producing clean hydroelectric energy.
Water grid losses are a common and severe worldwide reality, as is the energy intensive process involved in grid water production. These losses represent a high waste on fresh water and energy. New technology developments, such as computerized sensors, communication networks, BigData analytical systems coupled with AI, spawn new solutions to this issue.

FloatingParticle aims to reduce water losses and energy consumption while supplying advanced telemetry to control the water grid and assuring water quality standards. This results in efficient water grid production and management. As a by-product the systems installed produce clean energy that further reduces water grid management costs and improves sustainability.

Our solution identifies and mitigates water grid anomalies while simultaneously reducing water losses, through pressure and flow control with micro-hydroturbines, monitoring water quality and production parameters and producing energy that feeds the electrical grid. The system empowers the water grid manager to make efficient real-time data-driven decisions.

Resources needed

The solution is currently under development with a total investment budget of 909,543€. This includes Human Resources, R&D investment, IP protection, equipments and other costs but solely for the development purpose. We estimate that 1/3 of that amount would be necessary to run the final product.

Evidence of success

We considered this a good practice as it faces a global common challenge with an integrated innovative approach that solves two issues cities around the world fight: water losses on their grids and the production of clean energy.
The project is still underdevelopment but the first tests show the efficiency of the solution with savings of 30%-40% on water losses.
Project pre-analysis show that the energy produced by the system would be enough to feed 34% of the domestic need.

Potential for learning or transfer

We believe this good practice has the potential to be transferred to other stakeholders as the final outcome will be a solution that combines software and hardware that is easily installed and adapted to other countries/cities needs. The investment needed offers a very quick return on invesment (ROI) as the savings and gains have very good margins.
Main institution
IDE – Institute for the Development of Enterprise in Madeira
Região Autónoma da Madeira,
Start Date
January 2020
End Date


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