Law 1/2007, on official fairground activities in Aragon, to modernize the fairground activity. These are developed throughout the territory, in urban and rural.
- What is the problem addressed and the context which triggered the introduction of the practice?

The commercial activity has disminished due to the loss of population.
Rural environments have difficulty attracting new buyers.
Trade supply has been virtually reduced to the most necessary and basic products

- How does the practice reach its objectives and how it is implemented?

 Annual publication of the official calendar of fairs.
 Annual calls of grants

- Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice?

Actors involved:
 The leadership and initiative of the fairground activities is the responsibility of the municipalities (City councils).
 Local Commerce will benefit depending on its level of participation and in a collateral way due to the influx and attendance of visitors, potential buyers.
 The Govemment of Aragon cooperates through public grants.

Resources needed

Human resources:
 Staff of the General Directorate of Trade, Fairs and Crafts and Provincial Services.
 The hiring of specialized companies or with own staff.
Financial resources:
 Amount granted in 2019 reaches 184.585,19€
 Approved expenditure of 442.415,13 € in 2019.

Evidence of success

• In 2019, the indirect impact of the fair sector in Aragon reached 145 million euros.
• 120 Official Fairs were organized in 2020:
-Fair of Biescas (location of Huesca of 1.500 inhabitants), 15.000 visitors and 6 tons of cheese sold
-FITRUF in Sarrión (location of Teruel of 1.100 inhabitants), since 2001, 43 exhibition stands and 20.000 visitors
-Graph of the sales data of the Blank Night first edition with 265 sales between 0:00h and 2:00 hours.

Difficulties encountered

To give greater professionalism and specialization to the fairs, increasing their number and their involvement in the territory.

Potential for learning or transfer

Key success factors
• Involvement of municipalities that know the importance and impact of holding a trade fair activity in their municipality and seek the greatest socioeconomic impact on the territorial scope and area of their influence.
• Low difficulty in organizing a basic fair.
• Cultural tradition of holding fairs in the territory, linking with a festive character of them, which contributes to generate a satisfying and rewarding shopping experience.

Negative aspects
• generating specialized fairs of much added value.
• Consolidate basic fairs and innovate content edition after edition.
• Professionalize organization and management, especially in a rural areas.
Main institution
Regional Government of Aragón
Start Date
February 2007
End Date


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