Serious Games developed in Android O.S. to improve the quality of life of the elderly, trying to improve their independency at home.
In the nearfuture, the developed games of this good practice will be tested by 3 countries: Portugal, Austria and Luxembourg, in the framework of DAPAS AAL project. The collaborations are already established.

The set of games is composed by basic games to work memory, or complex games which using wearables can collect data about the activity of the elderly. With this practice we will try to include technological solutions in the daily life of the elderly to promote and maintain the independent living as much as possible.

Main beneficiaries are elderly with 60+, with and without physical and cognitive impairment.

Resources needed

Hardware resources: tablet and internet connection per person.
Human resources: People in charge of installing the apps and show the elderly how it works.

Evidence of success

The solution developed by DAPAS is currently being tested with the end users and results and evidences will be soon available.

Potential for learning or transfer

The data collected in this good practice is very useful to detect (mainly) cognitive impairment, and mainly to know more about the elderly and the needs they are going to have in the future.

Has this good practice been adopted in other regions around the country or beyond?
In the following months, other countries are going to test it.

Has this good practice implemented as a pilot programme or as an extended programme? In case it is a pilot programme, is there any plan for a wider implementation?
It is a pilot programme nowadays

Is this good practice being currently implemented on an on-going basis as a routine procedure?
The idea is to continue developing more solutions to be included in their routines, and include smart sensors to work with biofeedback.
Main institution
University of Deusto
País Vasco,
Start Date
January 2018
End Date


María Ortiz-Coronado Please login to contact the author.