Cluster leveraging
Today, competitiveness clusters are financed by the Government and by the Region.
Except for the European projects, when the clusters receive European funds for their activities, it is through local authorities.
As the French competitiveness clusters will soon become regional tools (as the government is transferring its authority), the definition of specific KPIs and the use of ERFD funding is an interesting way to develop more projects.
Stakeholders : The local authorities, Competitiveness Clusters and the Regional Council

Resources needed

According to the topic, no resource is needed for the implementation of this practice

Evidence of success

It’s a different way to process with a call and KPI to encourage stakeholders to be more focused on policies decided by the region. At the same time, it provides more visibility and security to the clusters with long term funding.

Potential for learning or transfer

This practice is easily transferable to other Regions as its implementation is simple (defining the call).
Main institution
Toscana, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
September 2020
End Date


Amélie ESPEROU Please login to contact the author.