Project emergence
The SMEs often don’t have enough time or human resources for technical surveys or innovation sharing.
Find a way to create more events about innovation in collaboration with the entire innovation ecosystem using the method of Ignite Sweeden.
Stakeholders : The innovation ecosystem (public and private) SMEs, Startups, groups

Resources needed

No specific resources needed as we have the innovation ecosystem, it’s about implementing a new way of managing the SMEs ecosystem, foster people to meet and talk about their innovations to generate cross-innovations or new partnerships.

Evidence of success

Number of innovation projects generated, number of SME meetings.

Potential for learning or transfer

This method is a new way to work.
It is easily transferable to other regions.
Main institution
Region Västmanland
Östra Mellansverige, Sweden (Sverige)
Start Date
September 2020
End Date


Amélie ESPEROU Please login to contact the author.