SARS-CoV-2 worldwide outbreak put a lot of pressure on tourism. This project uses technology to stimulate tourism comeback and safeness.
SARS-CoV-2 worldwide outbreak has put a lot of economic pressure on tourism with all the travel restrictions. As these are lifted, it is necessary to regain the trust of tourists and enhance their experience while keeping citizens safe and the health system under control. Madeira Safe To discover brings an opt-in mobile app for tourists that while monitoring offers then free touristic experiences.
Travelers who arrive in Madeira are kindly requested to download a mobile app that allows authorities to track their travel history, symptoms and whereabouts in Madeira. Users can input the Covid19 72h test they bring or get the notification of the result of the test that they do in Madeira/Porto Santo airport when they arrive (mandatory to bring a test or make one at the airport - free of charge). As tourists keep using the app, they can browse available tourist products and experiences and gain points by using the App every day, inputting symptoms, etc. This usage gives points that are then translated into promocodes that the tourist can use in booking for free a tourist product in Madeira (e.g. Dolphin Watching).
The project therefore not only looks after safety on the Archipelago and gives a sense of security to local population and tourists that arrive but it also stimulates economic tourism agents to reopen their businesses and activities as many will have bookings guaranteed.

Resources needed

The project has been based on an existing travel experience booking engine (Madeira Best) with parallel development of the mobile app and web app and integration of the two softwares (total of ~36.000€).
The Madeira Tourism Promotion Association invested around 100.000€ to support the booking fee.

Evidence of success

The project has been deployed since July 1st 2020 with the web app and the mobile app version is due to be released on 1st August. To the date, more than 20,000 people have registered on the platform and have been tracked and willingly participated. The stimulus that is offered by the platform for the tourist is quite positive as they are more keen to install the app and keep using it, making the public health authorities work easier in case of tracking down positive cases.

Difficulties encountered

Privacy was always a concern which was addressed by making this app opt-in and anonymizing the data. Also the situation and critical economic crisis on the sector made the development a challenge regarding timeline to release.

Potential for learning or transfer

This GP is easily transferred on software-side as both the apps as well as the booking engine can be duplicated and rebranded quickly. The idea is very centered on tourism markets that have a diversity of experiences and needs some investment in order to allow the chance of every tourist of making use/ winning a free experience.
Main institution
IDE – Institute for the Development of Enterprise in Madeira
Região Autónoma da Madeira,
Start Date
July 2020
End Date


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