New technologies and social marketing aiming to modify the habits of citizens, through an information interactive space.
Health promotion is the process that allows people to increase control over their health to improve it. It encompasses not only actions directly aimed at increasing people's skills and abilities, but also those aimed at modifying social, environmental and economic conditions that have an impact on health determinants.
The main objectives that are taken into account when developing this challenge are:
I. Promote healthy lifestyles of citizens
II. Strengthen community action
III. Develop healthy public policies
To respond to this need, the Directorate General of Health (DGH) initiated, in December 2017, a preliminary market consultation to identify innovative technologies in order to achieve the objectives described, aimed at developing a tool for health empowerment.
On 19 December 2017, an informative and technical meeting took place with interested companies.
In January 2018, the DGH published the preliminary market consultation report, which contained all the information shared with and by interested companies and a summary of the 5 proposals received detailing the technical specifications proposed.
In April 2019, the DGH published the call for tender with all its technical documents, which was open for 1 month. 5 offers were received. The contract was awarded in September 2019 to a Spanish company called IBERMATICA who is currently successfully implementing the project.

Resources needed

529,204.60 €

Evidence of success

Evidence of success is the amount of accurate and high profile proposals received both during the preliminary market consultation (5) and during the call for tender (5).

Potential for learning or transfer

Other entities of the Balearic Islands can certainly benefit from this experience. A clear and successful chain of events is key for inspiring other public authorities to implement PPI projects. In this case, they could learn from how the preliminary market consultation was organized, published and how the report was drawn up in order to be transparent and fair with all the market competitors. Also, how the tender was drafted in terms of evaluation criteria (technical parameters being 69% vs. price being 31%) which led to a best value for money award.
Main institution
Regional Government of Baleares
Illes Balears, Spain (España)
Start Date
December 2017
End Date
June 2021


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