Public Transport App with Check-In/-Out System to get information and book tickets for buses, trams and trains.
The traffic community central Thuringia (VMT) offers a App in co-operation with the offerer FAIRTIQ over which not only travel information can be caught up, but also single travels, 4-Fahrtenkarten, daily tickets and group daily tickets can be booked. In addition, by using the check-in/check-out system, the cheapest fare can be determined automatically and aggregated over a week. Bookings are possible in the tariff area for buses, streetcars and trains.

Resources needed

Cost of a comparable system according to FAIRTIQ (depending on the range of services):
- One-time setup: 10.000 - 50.000 Euro.
- Annual costs: 25.000 - 75.000 Euro.

Evidence of success

The technology works properly since several months now and the app is used by 'normal' customers. Therefore the system is widely accepted by the public, especially by people who are not familiar with the tarif system. Additionaly the app is perceived much more attractive than the manual search for a public transport ticket,

Potential for learning or transfer

The VMT check-in/check-out system described above is an outstanding example of best practice that has already received an award from the German government and which other transportation companies can use as a guide. One of the biggest advantages is the avoidance of the existing German tariff jungle in Germany. Through the exchange with the operator, other companies can learn and avoid mistakes more easily.
Main institution
Verkehrsgemeinschaft Mittelthüringen (VMT)
Thüringen, Germany (Deutschland)
Start Date
January 2020
End Date


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