Alta-Phone is a ceramic speaker that amplifies sound from mobile phones, consumes no electricity, is portable, and fits all current phones.
There was a gap in the market for utility ceramics for the amplification of sound and through innovation and design, Altaphone was created. Altaphone had to have some characteristics that made it unmistakable:
-Its decoration can make it a unique piece.
-Portable packaging
-Being customizable, for that reason Altaphone has been a gift of several companies.
By the promotion of the product through social media, we reached the different target groups, including elderly people, mainly, because it amplifies the sound of the calls, as well as people who do not have access to electricity since the product does not need wires or plugs.

Resources needed

Funds: 5.000 €approx. to place the Altaphone in the market. Besides from the personal contribution to the design and development of the prototype, it has been essential the collaboration of a modelist to produce the molds to manufacture the ceramic piece.

Evidence of success

Because it is a piece both functional and attractive as a customizable object of decoration. Altaphone is the main product of the workshop, being the 70% of its total sales.

Difficulties encountered

The challenge has been that the opening of the piece (phone end) has had to be changed and adapted to different sizes of mobile phones, without losing design and functionality.

Potential for learning or transfer

In the current situation of technological development of printing on ceramics, it allows to customize each object. Also, I was advised by experts, that I should not put the product in the market until I did not have the guarantee for the patent and brand of the OEPM (Spanish Patents and Trademarks Office). The practice can be used to inspire others to combine their craft with modern technology to create innovative products, similar to Altaphone.
Main institution
Cataluña, Spain (España)
Start Date
January 2012
End Date


Ellie Cullen Please login to contact the author.