The Protocollo ITACA is a tool for assessing the level of energetic and environmental sustainability of buildings designed to verify their performances.
The Ministerial Decree of 11 October 2017 defines "Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) for the procurement of design and construction services for the new construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings for the management of public administration construction sites. . The Itaca Protocol on the environmental sustainability of buildings is used to evaluate non-residential buildings and the adaptation of public buildings to the "Minimum environmental criteria". The update (UNI/PdR 13:2019) has already been published and has been prepared in collaboration with Uni (the Italian standardisation body). It represents a tool for certification and accreditation, on a voluntary basis - acknowledged by many Italian regions, including the Marche - to formulate a summarized assessment of the level of environmental sustainability of buildings, useful for the designer, for control activities and guidance of the public administration.

Resources needed

Regional Law 14/08 defines the certification based on ITACA Protocol to incentive building sustainability by economic aid and incentives (urbanization charges reduction, construction costs and volumetric increases) according to the score obtained by the application of the Protocol, DGR 1689/11

Evidence of success

In 2009 Marche Region issued a call for tenders for € 100,000.00 for high environmental quality residential building projects certified by Itaca Protocol. Interventions concern new constructions and recoveries. From 2012 Marche Region received about 180 applications related to access the volumetric increases and about 50 applications to access the incentives referred to R.L. n.14/2008. The regional register of certifiers currently has 621 members. The protocol is in use in many Italian regions.

Difficulties encountered

Protocol offers a reference in assessing residential and non-residential buildings based on legislation, technical regulations, application experience, proposing a methodology for the performance classification buildings based on criteria certain in measurement and enhancement of sustainability.

Potential for learning or transfer

This methodology affects all designing levels at different scales, not only limited to the built environment but also open to spatial planning policies and strategies. This involves technical standardization, conformity assessment and accreditation and the definition of shared standards, the training of professionals able to influence the design process, the timely and objective verification of the results achieved, certification skills and accreditation of players. It is necessary to promote updating, training and dissemination courses for professionals on these tools. The realization of the process requires the full involvement of: national and local public bodies, professionals and private companies trades. This methodology is easily replicable in different territorial contexts. It is based on an assessment tool in line with national and EU technical and legislative standards. Public administrations can use the methodology to apply incentives and activate training courses.
Main institution
ITACA – the Italian Institute for Innovation and Transparency in Public Procurement and Environmental Compatibility, is a technical supporting body to the Conference of Presidents of the Regions and of the Autonomous Provinces.
Lazio, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
July 2019
End Date


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