National Council for Digital Transformation, consultative body, part of ADR, putting together a state authority with private sector.
1. The initiative of creating the National Council for Digital Transformation was instated thanks to the relevant policy: Government Decision 89/28.01.2020
2. It was released through a public call, to which more than 400 entities applied.
3. The mission is to ensure collaboration with interested actors from domains as TIC and informational society, as well as accelerate digitalisation national level
4. It is a consultative role, but a critical one because its inputs will be the basement for decision policy makers and further digital actions to be implemented at country level.
5. This consultative body will be extended from ADR level to the new ministry structure (Ministry of Research Innovation and Digitalisation), as ADR will be subordinated there.
6. Board Structure:
a. president (=ADR president)
b. 15 members (e.g. AmCham România/Cisco, ANIS, ARIES – Romanian association for electronic industry and software, Bosch, Concordia confederation, Dendrio, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Smart Bill, Strongbytes/Codecamp, UiPath, Univ. Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Univ. Polytechnics din Bucharest, Univ. Technical Cluj-Napoca, Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub.)
7. The mandate of the Council ’ members -unlimited; any parts can withdraw the membership unilaterally; the membership will be lost if 5 consecutive unmotivated absences.

Resources needed

No financial resources needed; the applications are voluntary

Evidence of success

Agile working groups: digital transformation, digital competencies, governmental cloud, electronic identity, AI and big data, electronic invoice, interoperability.
The Council's activity will be on long term.

Difficulties encountered

Recent political changes and need for update.

Potential for learning or transfer

1. How the collaboration between policy makers and a committee (mixing Universities, DIHs, SMEs, big IT companies) could be more effective and rapid
2. How the thematic working groups will function and what kind of initiatives will be implemented; e.g. Digital competencies working group.
Main institution
Intermediate Body for Bucharest Ilfov Region
Bucureşti - Ilfov, Romania (România)
Start Date
May 2020
End Date
October 2020


Ioana Florentina Soare Please login to contact the author.