How vision building and common goals can make actors cooperate and start pilots to better the mobility service.
In 2017 Ruter initiated a process preparing for the future of public transport. It was produced a white paper, a dialogue conference on combined mobility, an conference on autonomous vehicles, they engaged the public and travelers using Ruter in users engagement activities. To sum up the findings they decided to communicate the users’ needs and ideas as a vision where they told the users stories. The vision made the groundwork for a roadmap for how Ruter is going to work with mobility in the future. The findings resulted in that Ruter has initiated a portfolio of pilot projects. Among those are: combined mobility, micro mobility, mobility points, autonomous on demand services. At the same time as they develop the pilots - Ruter has developed a mobility app.

Mobility point Filipstad is a two-year pilot project that makes electric means of transport available to the population in Oslo, and as a supplement to other forms of transport in the city. A mobility point is a place where means of transport shared with others are available and can be used at any time as needed. Mobility points may also have associated facilities on site.

At Mobilitetspunkt Filipstad, electric cars, electric bicycles and electric scooters are available. These can be used on impulse, in the same way as, for example, a city bike. There is also a bicycle workshop inside the building.

Resources needed

Main purpose: Explore customers' usage habits and needs
Established: 2019
Duration: 2 years

Evidence of success

The means of transport and facilities at the mobility point are a supplement to other forms of transport in the city. They have made it easier for people in the neighborhood to get around Oslo in an efficient and environmentally friendly way, without needing their own private car. Mobility point Filipstad can be used by most people, but the main target group is people who live or work in the local area. The framework can develop further and can be adjusted according to different environments.

Potential for learning or transfer

The learning is to identify what public and private actors can do in order to reach common goals. The process initiated by Ruter identified several pilots for developing achieving mobility goals. Together with the roadmap it illustrates a process to test and cooperate with actors with similar goals. A methode for exploreing customers' usage habits and needs in mobility
Main institution
Oslo og Akershus, Norway (Norge)
Start Date
January 2019
End Date


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