The programme has assisted many SME to deploy traditional energy saving technologies to improve their efficiency.

Launched in April 2020 SEAI Academy ( ) is an e learning platform specifically designed to meet the needs of staff in SMEs who can undertake the programme at a time suitable to them or their employer. It is module based programme which is free, will help SMEs deliver cost savings, lower their carbon footprint and as a consequence improve their brand image. Currently the Academy modules include;

Behavioural Change; learning the proven behavioural techniques to help staff change habits around energy use

Business Energy Efficiency; showing businesses how to use energy efficiently and to begin and continue on a sustainable path

Energy and Climate Change; examing Irelands multiple sources of energy and how their use influences climate change

Electric Vehicles; knowing how Electric Vehicles work, their benefits and the current incentives to purchase them

Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics; understanding photovoltaics and the suitable environment for its use

In addition to the above the Academy has sector specific modules;

Energy Efficiency in Agriculture; learning about energy use on the farm and the key energy efficiency measures that can be introduced

Saving Energy in Schools; identifying the main energy users in schools, introducing energy management principles and providing tips and advice on energy saving measures

Learners who successfully complete their modules are awarded a “Certificate of Completion” by SEAI

Resources needed

SEAI staff assisted by external technical expertise developed the online platform. Now that it is up and running the platform requires 1 fulltime administrator reporting to a programme manager to manage the platform and update the content. Technical assistance is contracted as necessary

Evidence of success

Just a year after launch the training has been accessed by over 2200 learners participating and this is expected to increase significantly in the future as greater awareness of the resource is highlighted.

Difficulties encountered

Development of interactive, animated modules and presenting technical information at an introductory level for learners required lots of preparation time and specialist external assistance

Due to Covid, engaging with SMEs was difficult as they were impacted significantly by lockdown restrictions

Potential for learning or transfer

SEAI Academy is highly transferrable. The technology utilised to build the platform is generally available and compatible with standard operating systems. While the content is focused on Ireland much of the information is relevant to SMEs throughout Europe.
In this context all that is required is each country to edit the country specific information and translate language as necessary.
Main institution
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Border, Midland and Western, Ireland (Éire)
Start Date
April 2020
End Date


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