SzombathelyPoint is an app which gives citizens the most important info about the city of Szombathely, in the Health section information related to medical care
SzombathelyPoint is a smartphone application which lets you stay informed about the most important cultural, tourist and sporting events as well as other useful information in the city of Szombathely. Under “Useful information” there is a “Health” section which contains useful information related to medical care.
Within the section, the user can search for information regarding doctors, consulting hours of certain institutions and useful locations, that are not only useful for tourists, but facilitate the everyday life of the inhabitants, as well.
The Health section consists of 156 items in 8 different topics, which are the following: GPs, pediatricians, dental care, hospital, pharmacies, available defibrillator, sports doctors and on-duty medical health care services.
The main beneficiaries of the practice include the citizens, the tourists, and the medical institutions. For the former ones it is easier to get up-to-date and detailed information regarding the availability of medical services, while the latter one can operate without the burden of having to concern about the administration of their details of operation. Additional stakeholders are the IT department of the local authority, that was responsible for coordination of the process from the technical aspect. The Economic, Technical Supply and Service Organisation of Public Education Institutions of Szombathely was providing the content part, and a subcontractor was responsible for the development of the applicatio

Resources needed

The cost of the development is under 1 million HUF (3000 EUR)

Evidence of success

The application was dowloaded more than 5000 times
It received the “Quality Development Award” on the eFestival in November 2014.
The users who downloaded it rated the application to 4,4 on a scale from 1 to 5.

Difficulties encountered

Based on the evaluation the users made some complaints about certain functions of the application, which were forwarded to further investigation and correction to the IT specialists.

Potential for learning or transfer

The practice is useful and worth implementing because of its informative nature. Talking about the “Health” section, it is important to have these kinds of information collected to one place, and is beneficial either for the citizens, as well as for the tourists.
Main institution
Municipality of Szombathely
Nyugat-Dunántúl, Hungary (Magyarország)
Start Date
October 2014
End Date


Regina Rosta-Pethő Please login to contact the author.