Measures to raise awareness for the introduction of e-buses. The brand elexity serves as unifying element for all e-mobility related activities of the company.
Passengers are seldom aware of the technology that drives the bus they are sitting in. Awareness raising and higher acceptance were to be achieved through better visibility and communication. VHH has created a brand for all their marketing activities related to electric mobility aspects. Under this brand they implement several measures and run activities, e.g.
- inviting citizens to give names to the new e-buses: a postcard campaign, people could make suggestions (max. 5 letters, starting with an “e”), names would be displayed in large letters on the side of the buses
- transparent communication on about the status of the transition process including infrastructure, use of green energy, drivers’ training and CO2 reduction etc.
- The introduction of e-buses is pioneer work. Good communication and public relations are key. VHH has created a video format (“Rolf erklärt” - engl. Rolf explains). In short video clips of approx. 2-6 minutes Rolf, an employee of VHH, explains specific issues (not exclusively, but partly relating to e-mobility, 38 episodes to date, cf. good practice “Change management and information strategy for drivers and technicians”).
In addition to this, VHH is contracted by the Hamburg transport association (HVV) by order of all member PTOs to carry out the introductory programme on public transport for schools. This includes educational activities for school classes, but also birthday parties at a depot including driving a bus.

Resources needed

Costs (money/personnel) for the development and introduction of a brand can vary a lot. The different marketing activities taking place under the umbrella an e-brand must be calculated individually.

Evidence of success

In a survey of passengers launched in July 2020 during the EU BSR Electric project the question regarding awareness of their type of bus was favourably answered by a majority of passengers. Approx. 70% were aware which type of drive the bus they were using had.

Potential for learning or transfer

No specific requirements for transferring the practice to another region. The benefits are better visibility and awareness of electric mobility. The transition to e-mobility is a major change for the PTO. It also provides the opportunity to update the self-image of the PTO companies and present themselves as modern, innovative and relevant to the important climate challenges.
Main institution
Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbH
Hamburg, Germany (Deutschland)
Start Date
January 2019
End Date


Stephanie Keßler Please login to contact the author.