Visit Gran Paradiso is an app developed to provide tourists in the Gran Paradiso National Park Area with a complete and interactive guide to the territory.
Visit Gran Paradiso is an app developed to provide tourists in the Gran Paradiso National Park Area with a complete and interactive guide to the territory. The app includes pieces of information, maps, and itineraries useful to plan a visit as well as 360 photos and videos that will allow the user to live an immersive experience from home, inviting him to visit the site. The user will also be able to book tickets for the visits directly from the app.

Thanks to Geofencing and Beacon technology the user can receive notifications related to the area he is visiting, being always updated about events and initiatives nearby. The possibility of sending notifications to the user is one of the reasons why Fondation Grand Paradis Choose to develop an app and not a website. More over the user can open the app really quickly and navigate the contents easily.

Resources needed

The app was funded by the Interreg project P.A.C.T.A.- Promouvoir l’Action Culturelle en Territoire Alpin. The development cost of the app was 32.000 € plus taxes.

Evidence of success

More than 200 pages of content, 360° videos with binaural sounds, more than 1000 downloads, more than 300 monthly users.

Potential for learning or transfer

The design of Visit Gran Paradiso could be easily replicated in other territories and it would turn out particularly useful where cultural sites are spread over a wide territory or for those regions that aren’t reached by the main tourist flows yet.
Main institution
Fondation Grand Paradis
Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
October 2016
End Date


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