Subsidies for renewable energy for heating water in hotels - Subsidy rules for energy efficiency and renewable energy
Combined technologies (solar thermal, aerothermal, residual heat,…) were not used by the companies. It was a new practice in 2014.
Subsidies for companies, both energy efficiency and renewable energy uses.
In Spain heating water in hotels is limited if you use electricity o fossil fuels, by law.
In 2014, the Government of the Canary Islands published that using solar thermal energy with residual heat from air conditioning, and aerothermal or geothermal energy, we could heat water properly (TRANSHOTEL).
In 2018, Government of the Canary Islands published the Low Enthalpy Geothermal Energy Guide for engineers, aligned with TRANSHOTEL.
In 2018 the subsidy rules established aids for both energy efficiency and renewable energy for companies, at the same time.
With all these we expected to increase de demand of this type of installation.

Resources needed

Energy efficiency and mainly renewable energy used for heating water in hotels, one of their higher energy demands.
1.000.000 € approx. per year for all actuations: Energy efficiency and renewable energy in companies.

Evidence of success

Financially supported 0 installations in 2017, 3 in 2018, 2 in 2019. The demand was approx. the double of it, but there was not credit for all. The Government gives 45% of the whole investment, usually 100.000 € each installation.

Potential for learning or transfer

It has opened a way which was not very used before, by publishing the method and giving aids.
Main institution
Regional Government of Canaries
Canarias, Spain (España)
Start Date
April 2018
End Date
October 2022


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