M-Fair is a festival focussing on fair-trade and circular textiles, organised yearly by the city of Mechelen, with talks, workshops, a fashion show and a fair.
Fast fashion has a huge impact on the environment and on the well-being of people producing it in sweatshops. In 2015, 79 billion cubic litres of water were used by the fashion industry, it emitted 1715 metric tons of CO2 and created 92 millions of tons of waste. It is the most labour-dependant industry on earth, where 40 millions of people (1 in 6) in garment factories are being paid a few euros per day.
This is why M-Fair focusses on the modal shift and continuously works on providing information on alternatives: fair fashion, and circular textiles and materials. It also offers fair alternatives, workshops and talks for both professionals and citizens/private individuals - with free access for everybody. By organising the market, the city of Mechelen aims to present producers and retailers of fair fashion directly to a broad audience.

Resources needed

15.000 euro for workshops, logistics, communication, and workload
One person works half time for six months to prepare M-Fair, in addition to other colleagues taking care of communication, organisation of workshops and talks, and catering.

Evidence of success

Live edition: 3000 people visiting the catwalk show, workshops, talks, and the market.

Difficulties encountered

Last live edition there were very few visitors due to bad weather circumstances (storm). Subscribing beforehand to workshops proved to be an obstacle, so now it’s possible to “walk in” the same day. It is key to offer innovative initiatives in order to to keep surprising the audience.

Potential for learning or transfer

Stimulating awareness regarding fast fashion is necessary, by offering people accessible alternatives. The challenge is to look for new angles, points of view and partnerships e.g. fair fashion for sports people or the imitation of a sweatshop. It’s also important to keep the balance between fair and sustainable, which can differ.
A combination of activities in order to reach a broad audience is also something to keep in mind: market, contest, catwalk, talks, debates.
Main institution
City of Mechelen
Prov. Antwerpen, Belgium (Belgique-België)
Start Date
February 2015
End Date


Julie Poppe Please login to contact the author.