Pupils build Action Groups to discover the school’s energy use by carrying out an energy diagnosis to then improve energy savings and efficiency in the school.
Clean Energy Transition is a challenge that goes beyond technical aspects such the development of RES or the improvement of energy efficient. Behavioural changes and citizen’s participation are also needed.
Pamplona City Council decided to target children and developed a gaming tool aiming to stimulate a behavioural change among the 10-12 year students towards a more sustainable way of life with lower energy consumption.
The tool was designed by the Municipal staff and the company expert on gaming Oui Play.
The primary school pupils learn proactively through the tool’s challenges, levels of progress and rewards. A video was prepared to invite them to take part in this initiative together with their teachers.
Action Groups against Energy Waste are set up to discover the school's energy use habits by carrying out an energy diagnosis. At the end of the training, they will be able to develop a proposal aimed at motivating behavioural changes within the educational community and thus provide an impact on energy saving and efficiency in the school.
The progress of the game is designed in three modules, each with its own content and activities that students must complete to unlock the next one.
The programme includes 8 videos, 6 teaching sheets, the action plan and the teacher's guide. The duration of the educational experience is of around 15 teaching hours.
This initiative has been financed by the EU as part of the H2020 STARDUST project.

Resources needed

- Subcontracting: 28.000 €
- Own human resources: 3 Person Months

Evidence of success

The selected schools will be monitored by the Environmental Education unit of the City Council to verify the energy savings and the measures taken in the schools towards an energy transition but it is early to provide actual evidence. Preliminary results will be available at the end of 2022.

Potential for learning or transfer

In order to facilitate a Clean Energy Transition behavioural changes and awareness raising that support other technical and energy system changes are need. Targeting children may have a long-term effect since they are on a continuous learning process and their behaviours are to as settled as the ones of adults. Besides, they can influence changes at home with their parents.
This Good Practice does not entail significant technical complexity and can be transferred to other cities from within and outside Spain.
Within the Interreg Europe project POTEnT the city of Parma got inspired by this good practice for their environmental education programme in schools, and it is part of their interregional learning, as specified in their Regional Action Plan.
Main institution
Ayuntamiento de Pamplona (Pamplona City Council)
Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Spain (España)
Start Date
January 2021
End Date


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