Key learnings: Building a regional hydrogen economy
On 8 February, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on building a regional hydrogen economy. Watch the recording and access the presentations here.
The knowledge hub regroups valuable resources in the forms of documents, webinar replays and the latest European news. Our thematic experts put these items together in collaboration with Interreg Europe projects and European experts in the field.
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The most recent expert analyses of the Interreg Europe projects and their topics
Discover regional approaches that can help you support e-mobility and the transition to a low-carbon transition in your...
Read this policy brief to discover what role do public authorities across Europe play in the development of a...
This policy brief outlines how SMEs can overcome barriers to invest in energy efficiency and sustainable energy.
We need to foster skills for the energy transition at local and regional levels to encourage clean technologies and...
Urban logistics is responsible for significant carbon emissions, air pollutants and urban noise. Authorities realise...
Self-consumption of renewable energy can provide financial, environmental and security benefits for households,...
Cycling has many socio-economic, health and environmental benefits that its promotion should be a logical policy choice....
Bioenergy is one of the most flexible renewables that does not release new carbon into the atmosphere. Discover European...
The shift to a low-carbon economy will rely heavily on the use of zero-emission vehicles and increased use of public...
One-Stop-Shops (OSS) bring together the full gamut of policy interventions, working with stakeholders to provide skills...
Demand-responsive transport (DRT) is a flexible mode of transportation that adapts to the demands of its user groups....
Europe faces a major challenge to renovate its building stock and achieve its carbon emission targets. Doing so will be...
Regional authorities prioritise the encouragement of active transport thanks to its health and other benefits such as...
At its most basic, renewable energy communities involve generation of energy from renewable resources and technologies,...
Electric mobility (e-mobility) has emerged as one of the most promising technological solutions to replace fossil fuels,...
As buildings account for 40% of energy consumption in the EU and more than 35% of CO2 emissions, improving their energy...
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) are planning instruments for cities that encourage joined-up decision-making...
This paper presents the work done in Interreg Europe projects, looking at how governance and behavioural change can...
This policy brief analyses Interreg Europe projects dealing with this issue and gives a clear overview on how to tackle...
This policy brief looks into why there is an increasing demand for flexibility in the electricity grid, how this...
Experts from the Policy Learning Platform show which financial instruments can be used to improve energy efficiency.
A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) as a modern planning concept to promote low carbon urban mobility.
Cities and regions will be an integral player in reducing emissions, achieving the Paris objectives and securing green...
Replay of the latest webinars
On 8 February, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on building a regional hydrogen economy. Watch the recording and access the presentations here.
On 14 December, the Policy Learning Platform hosted the final episode of the e-mobility trilogy on the topic of integrating e-mobility into territorial planning
On 7 December, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar as part of the e-mobility trilogy on the roll-out of charging infrastructure. Watch the recording.
On 30 November, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar as part of the e-mobility trilogy on clean public transport. Watch the recording.
On 27 October, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on the topic of integrated low-carbon strategies. Watch the recording and access the presentations.
On 23 September, the Policy Learning Platform hosted the fifth edition of the cycling cities series on the cost benefit analysis of bicycles versus cars.
On 16 September 2021, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a new webinar on cargo bikes for the last mile under the cycling cities webinar series.
Watch the webinar recording on the jobs and skills for the energy transition that took place on 29 April 2021.
Explore the policy recommendations from the Kilkenny peer review which took place in November 2021 and get inspired!
Discover policy recommendations on skills for the energy transition of the peer review, hosted by the Region of Western Macedonia, Greece, in October 2020.
In September 2020, the Policy Learning Platform organised an online peer review for the city of Warsaw on its strategy for urban logistics.
Discover the outcomes of the Peer Review in Stara Zagora on the topic of economic diversification and cleaning power production in a coal region.
Take a look at the conclusions from the peer review on Joint Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan Coordination and Implementation in East Belgium
Exchanging with policy practitioners from other regions helped Hauts-de-France to receive new inspiration to improve their absorption of structural funds.
Latest updates from the four topics
Check out the new developments for the Guidelines on State aid for Climate, Enivornmental Protection and Energy.
Take a look at the published proposal for the recast of the energy performance of building directive of the European Commission.
Take a look at the measures the Commission launched to support Europe’s climate policy framework to put the EU on track for a 55% reduction in carbon emissions!
Discover good practices coming from Interreg Europe projects that support rail transport in reaching our carbon emissions targets.
Take a look at the first call of Horizon Europe and the different clusters that focus on the low-carbon economy.
Can Interreg Europe’s peer review support interactive teaching methods at university? Experiences from a successful pilot at Zuyd University in Maastricht.
Discover the most popular #policylearning articles, policy briefs and webinars of 2020!
On 14 October 2020, the European Commission launched its Communication and Strategy on the Renovation Wave initiative, read about the actions here.
Read about the intention to raise the EU's 2030 climate target with a 40% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030.
All European Union member states have now completed their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)