ENEA and Milan Metropolitan City signed an agreement for the realisation of a “One Stop Shop”,
i.e. a unique local desk to support public and private buildings’ owners during the energy
requalification process.
The desk will provide all necessary info to learn the building’s characteristics: from the energy
consumption to the saving opportunities in the electricity bill, providing indications on the most
effective technologies, professionals that can be consulted for each step during the
requalification process and the subsidising mechanisms that are currently available.
The elaboration of the renovation process and the guidelines for users will be made available
through a dedicated platform.
In the next 18 months, ENEA and Milan Metropolitan City plan to realise the first service demo.
Some real buildings will be used as pilot cases thanks to the availability of data collected during
a previous test implemented by the 2 subjects between 2017 and 2018. This test was realised
within a funded project aimed at developing “light” energy diagnosis on metropolitan buildings
that have a thermal plant with power higher than 35 kW.
The One Stop Shop project is part of the DeciWatt system, a programme managed by the
Environment Area of Milan Metropolitan City started in March 2020 which goal is to implement
energy efficiency in buildings thanks to digital tools such as Decimetro, the new institutional
platform for the consultation of geographical info related to the Municipalities based within the
Milanese metropolitan area.
In this initial stage, a technical group will be implemented, involving all those stakeholders that
operate within the buildings’ renovation field.
“We can start in the most effective way only if we will be able to work in synergy with architects,
companies, apartment block administrators, consumers, financial institutions and the
involvement of the metropolitan municipalities – explains Mauro Marani, Head of Integrated
Services Division for the Territorial Development DUEE in ENEA – Milan Metropolitan City, with
its skills in territorial management and the experience of thermal plants control, together with
ENEA, which participates to Milan CCEI and has scientific experience and innovative tools, will
implement a very ambitious project in line with the new European Directives.”