The BID-REX ‘From Biodiversity Data to Decisions’ project Final Event took place on the 29th of September 2020, attracting 140 attendants.

There was a range of exciting sessions and speakers. Project partners highlighted the results obtained by the BID-REX project in their regions and guest speakers reported on biodiversity goals and EU funds for nature post 2020.  

Guest speakers included: Mr Antoni Trasobares, Director, Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia; Marta Subirà, Secretary of Environment and Sustainability, Government of Catalonia, who both introduced the event; Anne Teller, Senior Expert, European Commission DG Environment, who spoke about the EU Biodiversity Strategy; and Marie Guitton, Policy Officer, Interreg Europe Joint Secretariat, who discussed the impact of the Interreg Europe.

The event was great opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments made in linking biodiversity data and decision-making through the Interreg BID-REX project, and to look forward to the future.   Project partners brought specific examples of project implementation within their regions and highlighted the benefits of having been able to share experiences and learn from the other partners. Representatives from the regional institutions discussed how these learning can be integrated within regional policies and how cooperation can be strengthened in the future.

Further information about the event, including the meeting agenda, can be found here

The full recorded event can be found here

A video summarising the accomplishments of the BID REX project can be found here