Ljubljana Marsh was designated as a Natura 2000 site in 2004 and, in 2008, was protected as a Nature Park. The traditionally managed grasslands are of high biodiversity value and host many endangered plant and animal species such as orchids, sedges, Whinchat and Corncrake. Although people recognise the importance of protected areas, they are not familiar with the value of Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park.

At a public event entitled ‘In the land of pile-dwellers’, members of the Slovenian BID-REX team made two presentations, where they discussed the natural value of the area. They also discussed successful methods of biodiversity data collection, and stressed the great importance of the correct interpretation of biodiversity knowledge, especially to decision makers.

Having succeeded in Ljubljana Marsh being designated as a protected area, it is clear that people collection biodiversity information are able to present their findings to different stakeholder groups, including decision makers. However, the biodiversity of Ljubljana Marsh is still not adequately protected and so much more communication is needed.

Photo by DTome