On 15 November, Basque Country held the third Local Stakeholder Meeting. 21 participants attended the workshop, which was held in Txingudi, one of the protected areas of the Basque Natura 2000 Network and Wetland of International importance of the RAMSAR Convention. 

This workshop took place as part of the Social Forum on Biodiversity of the Basque Country, an annual meeting to promote communication, dialogue and generation of knowledge among stakeholders from a wide variety of sectors (research, private and public companies, science societies, NGOs, educational institutions etc) that use or produce information on biodiversity in Basque Country. 

In the workshop, a technical dialogue was generated through a roundtable to identify the main obstacles to information flows and lack of coordination between different public administrations. 

Participants then outlined possible actions to improve information flows from a multidisciplinary perspective, from the public to the private sector. 

A report including the main ideas raised during the meeting is available here.