On 8th November Pau Sainz from the Government of Catalonia introduced the BID-REX project during the “VII Jornadas sobre Información de Biodiversidad y Administraciones Ambientales – 2016” held in Barcelona. 

This conference organized by the nexus of the Global Biodiversity Information Facilities of Spain (GBIF.ES) jointly with the Provincial Government of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia, serves to connect officers from autonomic public administrations which require the use of biodiversity information to solve environmental issues at day to day. This seminar serves to share experiences and create synergies between the Spanish autonomic administrations and invited stakeholders. 

On 2016 the conference was based in the topic of the citizen’s science like biodiversity information suppliers for public administrations.  

In this context, the Government of Catalonia took advantage of the event’s audience to disseminate the BID-REX mission and show the project as an opportunity to reinforce the link between the biodiversity information and the Catalan and Basque ERDF Operative Programmes which, in the future, could be examples for other Spanish autonomic administrations. 

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