The Local Stakeholder Meeting ‘Better Data = Better Decisions’ took place at OPEN, Norwich. 

Participants were presented with current examples of using biodiversity data including the Norfolk Green Infrastructure Mapping, Breck Biodiversity Audit Approach, the NBN Atlas and Bristol’s ‘Know Your Place’.  This was followed by two focussed discussion sessions; ‘Developing an Online Environmental Data Hub – What would users like to see on the hub, how would they like to access and should membership be an option’ and ‘Making better decisions – Building on the Biodiversity Audit Approach’.

These discussions will inform two actions within the Norfolk Action Plan; Action 1 ‘Norfolk Online Environmental Data Hub - Creation of an online system for delivering data and interpretation tools’ and Action 2 ‘Work to improve access to the techniques of the Biodiversity Audit approach via an online system’.

The interactive meeting included a diverse representation of key stakeholders, from conservation bodies, county recorders, ecological consultants and local record centres through to local and national government bodies.  18 delegates attended in total, representing 12 organisations.