The meeting gathered local stakeholder group from Östergötland County involved in the BIGDATA 4RIVERS project. It included representatives from the County Administrative Board, the municipalities and the water councils in the region.
- The objectives of this meeting were to inform the stakeholders about the goals, ideas and plans of the BD4R project as one representative will be replaced (Motala Municipality).
- Future online study visits were discussed:
o Online study visits and knowledge transfer seminars to be hosted by Portugal were presented and CAB requested the participation of stakeholders if possible. Further information regarding subjects, possible presentations during the planned panels (subjects planned: WFD, ROP and GPs/ICT) and participations in following discussions by Swedish stakeholders. Also, timetable were communicated.
o Online study visits and knowledge transfer seminars to be hosted by CAB were presented and CAB requested the participation of stakeholders. Further information regarding subjects, possible presentation and discussions by stakeholders and timetable were communicated where previously suggested topics were confirmed by the stakeholder group. These suggestions were:
1. Tinnerbäcken – an example of how to work operative in the spatial planning, close
cooperation between CAB (regional authority) and the municipalities.
2. Wastewater treatment of pharmaceuticals
3. Plan and strategies for storm water
4. The usage of stricter demands than the IED-directive’s Best available techniques in
activities applying for new permits or renewed permits regarding emissions to water.
Sweden has adopted “Best possible techniques” which are stricter than the BAT-demands
5. VISS – the water information system in Sweden
6. A passage for fish by the waterpower plant in the river in Linköping - We discussed our expected result. We discussed that we could carry out two local actin plans with detailed planning of actions to be taken.
- Furthermore, we presented to the stakeholders the Joint analytical report and the revised timetable for the compilation. Discussion also the difficulties and observed differences in Chapters managed by CAB
- The progress of Local action plans was presented for the LSG. CAB presented how the suggested water bodies from 2nd LSG-meeting were taken into consideration. Lake Boren as suggested by Anna-Stina has been prioritized as number one for possible water bodies where local action plans could be developed. The water bodies presented were:
1. Lake Boren: effected by physical impact (hydro morphology), hazardous substances, water
resources and invasive species.
2. River Vammarsmålaån: effected by physical impact (hydro morphology), hazardous
substances, water resources and possible eutrophication.
3. Groundwater Söderköping: Water resources.
4. Lake Ensjön and River Ljura bäck: effected by eutrophication, hazardous substances
5. River Slakaån: effected by physical impact (hydro morphology), hazardous substances,
water resources and eutrophication
Also, that we need further input to identify the local water management problems, room for improvement and potential good practices in Östergötland County, from the perspective of the various stakeholders involved - Coming activities of LSG were stated as:
o Participation in online study visits
o Important areas
o We discussed that the need of at least one more local stakeholder to cover the municipality
of Norrköping still remains to be solved. This to include all municipalities along the river of
Motala ström.
o Information regarding the BD4R Newsletter and subscription for information. - The LSG will have meetings every six months, if possible after the study visits
- The LSG will be informed about the progress made on the project and future timetable also delays related to Covid-19
- Next meeting will be scheduled by Sara in May 2021