The BIGDATA4RIVERS project was presented at the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania on 13th of November, 2019 in Vilnius. The objective of the event was to inform the main stakeholder as well as other stakeholders about the Interreg Europe programme, project objectives, project partners and their good practices and discuss the water management policies.
Lithuania is a country with big fresh groundwater resources and public supply of drinking water is based on groundwater. During the meeting attendees have discussed the state of the art of the water management and water quality problems in Lithuania.
The following questions were raised by the National Authority regarding the water management during the meeting:
- What are the most effective local stakeholder’s involvement practices in water resources management in other regions?
- How the River basin management is organised in other regions (countries)? What and how the Institutions are involved?
- How to engage and encourage the local communities to take a responsibility in the River basin plans development and implementation?
- What are the Good practices from other EU regions for implementation of the green infrastructure measures?
- Regarding the Substances of very high concern (SVHC) and other hazardous substances related to the water environment and companies – how the hazardous substances identified in the companies?
These and other questions will be discussed during the partner meetings in other regions.