On March 31th 2020, the first meeting of the DREAM cluster Local Stakeholder Group was held. Because of the current conditions linked to Covid-19, the first stakeholder group took place thanks to the use of a digital tool: TEAMS. This event has been attended for the following representatives:
 - DREAM cluster
 - Basin Territorial Public Establishment
 - Centre Val de Loire Region
 - Dev’up
 - Orléans University
 - Regional Biodiversity Agency
 - INRAe
 - Loire-Bretagne Basin Water Agency
The main objective was to present the project at the local group. That’s why, in the first part the goals, the structure, the methodology of the BigData4Rivers project have been presented. Then, the benefits for Centre Val de Loire region have been presented and the local water management have been exposed. Finally, we organized a discussion about good practices. We can quote some of them which will be refined and discussed more specifically by members of the stakeholders group:
 - Labelling Digital innovation Hub
 - The way to improve collaboration between local municipal authorities and the regional network (research and private bodies)
 - A project which made possible to graft the database on Water quality to SIG

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