On the 17th of September 2021, the 4th International Economic Forum was organised in Riga, Latvia. The theme of the forum was “ Future economy: globalisation challenges faced by Europe and the Baltics in the 21st century” (https://economicforum.lv/) .
Juan Carlos Martinez Barrio, on behalf of CEEI-Burgos, advisory partner [PP8] of the BRIDGES project, delivered the presentation “Crossborder cooperation: open innovation, trailblazing and intrapreneurship”, during Session III of the forum, on State competitiveness: a systemic approach. Theory and Practice. The last part of the presentation was dedicated to the BRIDGES project as a practical case of successful transregional cooperation schemes. The concepts underpinning the additional activities, i.e. increasing regional resilience through re-shoring and near shoring of value chains' segments, generated high interest among the participants and intense debate during the final round table.
The presentation is available here.