BRIDGES project has completed the planned good practice (GP) collection. Thirty-one good practices have been retained, out of thirty-four contributions made in total. The GP discussions have been on going since January 2017 through e-mails, online meetings, and face –to-face meetings (4th IPL in Helsinki, June 7th and 8th 2017).

The BRIDGES project good practices are planned to address three themes: Industry-led centres of competence as RIS3 innovation infrastructures (GP theme 1), Research-to-business innovation partnerships (GP theme 2) and Multilevel synergies (GP theme 3) including combination of funds and interregional innovation partnerships and joint initiatives.

Nine GPs contribute to GP theme 1 Industry-led centres of competence, with various examples of innovation infrastructures and centres of competence (CC); fifteen GPs contribute to GP theme 2 Research-to-business innovation partnerships, and seven GPs contribute to GP theme 3 Multi-level synergies. Often, the thematic contributions are relevant for more than one themes, i.e. there are overlaps.

The GPs are further analysed in terms of their contribution to the objectives of the project, namely the bridging of regional mismatches between the productive and research bases & leading to concrete RIS3-related investments identified during the project duration and explored through the forthcoming action plans. For this purpose, the seven types of technological connectivities (“bridges”) adopted in the innovation maps for better understanding the regional innovation systems of the partners, are also utilised for the GP analysis and later linked to the action plans.

The seven types of technological connectivities are:
•    Type 1 Programme based,
•     Type 2 Access to research services,
•    Type 3 KET applications,
•    Type 4 Technology Readiness Level (TRL) improvement,
•    Type 5 Innovation management chain,
•    Type 6 Constant renewal services,
•    Type 7 Commercialisation of research, cross border,
•    Type 8 Direct research to business cooperations.

An overview of the BRIDGES GPs contributions is summarised in the map below:

Progress in the GP analysis and transfer
During the 4th IPL we analysed and selected GP for Theme 1 contributions. The lesson learnt from the selection process is that, what mattered to us above all, was the concept of centre of competence as an operational unit, explicitly bringing together research excellence with provisions for concrete business applications, much more than any traditional infrastructure-based approaches.
The final analysis and selection for transfer of contributions made to GP themes 2 and 3 is planned to take place during the 5th IPL, November 21-23 2017, in Kozani, Western Macedonia, Greece.

Access to the BRIDGES GP capitalisation report
Access to the GP capitalisation report can be done here. However, we want to raise awareness among the possible readers that this document is still evolving as the GP selections are currently in progress. The final GP capitalisation report will be available at the end of 2017.