The good practices are categorised into three themes as follows:

(i) Theme 1 focuses on industry-led centres of competence that facilitate RIS3 implementation,

(ii) Theme 2 puts emphasis on cooperation between industry and research institutes, while

(iii) Theme 3 deals with multilevel synergies to support innovation

More specifically, two (2) centres of competence -one in Spain and one in the Netherlands- have been assessed as good examples of industry-led initiatives that can significantly contribute on the promotion of cross-disciplinary research locally, regionally and/or interregionally.

Furthermore, three (3) of the evaluated good practices -two from Finland and one from Greece- refer to research cooperation (methods and approaches) between research institutions and SMEs leading to more competitive products. Those practices vary from strategical initiatives, such as the common use of large research infrastructure from universities, innovation agencies and SMEs within a region, to very specific/innovative services which are developed by research organizations and could be used/exploited by local/regional business companies.

Last but not least, five (5) multilevel synergies good practices have been identified and evaluated within the BRIDGES project. Those origin from four (4) different countries, namely Finland, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary. The good practices have to do with the promotion of voucher systems that aim to foster national and/or international business and science collaborations and fund R&D related activities.

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