Three of the BRIDGES project action plans have been approved by the Interreg Europe programme on 1.7.2019.

These are the action plans of the following regions: Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland (contributing partner is PP4 –Regional Council of Helsinki–Uusimaa), Kainuu, Finland (contributing partners are PP1-Kainuun Etu Oy and PP2 -Regional Council of Kainuu),  and Western Macedonia, Greece (contributing partner is PP5 –ANKO).

Summary of the action plans
All three action plans focus on improving the RIS3 delivery effectiveness through new projects and by improving the governance of their Structural Funds. In addition, PP2, PP4, and PP5 have applied for a pilot action, currently under evaluation, Tools for transregional research-to-business partnerships. The concept and successful aspects of the pilot action - if approved, will be integrated into the RIS3 revision of the regions.

PP1/PP2 (Kainuu,  FI)
1) Strengthening of the circular economy in the bio-based industries sector, with the development of new applications in lignine (forest industry sideflow). One product development project will be assigned following an open call by PP2,  and will aim at multi-level partnerships.
2) Strengthening of interregional innovation partnerships valorising natural resources & their side flows, especially addressing knowledge-based entrepreneurship, commercialisation of research, and internationalisation of measurement technology. The implementation will be through one action operated by PP2,  and will aim at establishing an innovation platform according to the Joint Research centre (JRC) approach.
3) Impact on the innovation strategy (RIS3, under revision), including the pilot action contribution.

PP4 (Helsinki-Uusimaa, FI)
1) Facilitation of internationalisation of the research and innovation base: extending the range of activities of the ‘EU services Office’ of PP4, to facilitate internationalising the commercialisation of excellence and innovations of the region and review the pilot action applications by research units and RTOs. The service also facilitates meetings with research units / RTOs and SMEs when needed. The selection of research units /RTOs will be done following the Structural Funds process (open calls).
2) Impact on the innovation strategy (RIS3, under revision), focusing on mainstreaming the pilot action concept, Tools for transregional research-to-business partnerships.

PP5 (Western Macedonia, GR)
1) Improving the benefits of the Western Macedonia structural funds for businesses by increasing their innovation absorptive capacity, and as a result improve innovation & SME competitiveness through investments addressed by the Western Macedonia Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 (ROP). The prioritised industries are (a) Wine: Enabling precision farming techniques and technologies, (b) Dairy: Precision Livestock Farming (PLF).  Small scale PLF projects on dairy sector (lameness, traceability, animal behaviour); Environmental footprint: small scale mini-projects. (c) Horizontal actions, including (c.1) Advanced quality, traceability and safety in the agri-food chain: adoption and use of traceability systems in the Agri-food sector and (c.2) Dynamic Sustainability Management and Information Streaming for the Agri-food Sector.
2) Improve access to and awareness of the RIS3 by adopting on line interactive solutions.
3) W. Macedonia ROP to interregional research–to-businesses and business-to-research co-operations (interregional research eligibility- this is the pilot action), including funding for research-to-business mini projects and fiudning for follow up actions of mini projects.

 Funds dedicated for the implementation of the three action plans add up to 1 438 200,00€, out of which 1 023 000€ is the Structural Funds participation.

The distribution of funds is as follows:
-    PP1/PP2 (Kainuu, FI): Structural funds:105 000€ (or a little more); National funds: 160 000€; Project funds: 52 000€ for the pilot action; Own funds: 46 500€ (for the pilot action, in case it is approved; more own funding is foreseen for the RIS3 revision).
-    PP4 (Helsinki-Uusimaa, FI): Project funds: 52 500€ for the pilot action; Own funds: 81 000€ for action plan as a whole.
-    PP5 (Western Macedonia, GR): Structural funds: 918 000€; Project funds: 23 200€ for the pilot action.

Contacts for more information:
-    PP1/PP2 (Kainuu,  FI): (I) Kainuun Etu Oy, PP1: Antti Toivanen, +358 44 5514559,; Ninetta Chaniotou, +358 44 5514559, (II) Regional Council of Kainuu, PP2: Jouni Ponnikas, +358 40 574 0804,
-    PP4 (Helsinki-Uusimaa, FI) Regional Council of Helsinki-Uusimaa: Ari Lainevuo, +358 50 3631657,
-    PP5 (Western Macedonia, GR) ANKO: Anastasios Sidiropoulos, +30 24610 24022,

The full action plans:

action plan of Kainuu

action plan of Helsinki Uusimaa

action plan of Western Macedonia