The Regional Council of Kainuu (RCK) organised on 1.10.2020 the 2nd  Regional Stakeholder Group (RSG) to discuss the revision of the Kainuu RIS3.
The 2nd RSG followed the introductory RSG meeting organised on 22.9.2020. Representatives of key Kainuu stakeholders attended both meetings, commented and contributed to the process.

In both meetings, the presentation were based on the contributions by Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja (Professor, University of Turku), scientific adviser and by Dr. Jouni Ponnikas (Regional Development Director, Regional Council of Kainuu).


 During the 1st RSG the background and methodology of the revised RIS3 were introduced. The data driven approach and the entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) were emphasised as essential parts of the RIS3 planning and implementation approaches.

During the 2nd RSG, the findings and implication of the data driven approach were presented and discussed, as well as the priorities of the revised RIS3, its linkages to the regional development programme, the national (Finnish) R&D roadmap (https://, opportunities to be explored and challenges to be confronted.

The key presentations from the 2nd RSG are available through these links: presentation by Jari Kaivo-Oja ;  presentation by Jouni Ponnikas

RSG meetings are organised by the Regional Council of Kainuu in collaboration with three projects in which the Regional Council of Kainuu is partner: BRIDGES (,  INNO PROVEMENT ( and ELMO (

This approach is followed because of the close connection of these projects with the revised Kainuu RIS3: the RCK action plans in BRIDGES and INNO PROVEMENT are expected to be integrated into the revised Kainuu RIS3 while ELMO project is an industrial transition project working on a RIS3 for North-East Finland, and builds on / is coherent with the Kainuu RIS3.

The policy mainstreaming foreseen in the RCK action plan of the BRIDGES project is under Theme 3. Transregional access to innovation on demand while for the INNO PROVEMENT project action plan, is under  Theme 4. Uptake of Industry 4.0.